Matariki Morning

This week we have been learning about Matariki. Today we had a Matariki breakfast in the school hall at 7:30am and that included hot chocolate, sausages and pancakes with cream. On Monday we were paired up with kids from Paiaka and we did all of these Matariki activities with our buddy’s. And today we had a Matariki mass in the school hall. We also had our PBL presentations for our parents and me and my group did a coastal habitat there’s a photo down below.

Laudato Si

This week we have been learning about Laudato Si. Laudato Si is a letter written from pope Francis to everybody about the problem with our environment. It tells us about the things that we do that harms the planet like getting rid of too many trees, wasting water, using cars and wasting food and other resources that some people don’t have available to  them. The climate change and other things that people do to effect the planet, effects people who are poor people who don’t  have as much money  as everyone else, things get more expensive and as things get more expensive people then can’t afford to buy food and other necessities that they need. I made two posters  about the problem of cutting down too many trees.

Native animal information

This week we have been learning about different native animals to New Zealand. Then we had to pick a native animal of New Zealand and write an information doc about it. I picked the Archey’s Frog. The reason why I picked the frog was because  it looked really cool and I really love frogs, So I thought it would be really cool to do a frog species.

Here is my information doc below. link