Laudato Si

This week we have been learning about Laudato Si. Laudato Si is a letter written from pope Francis to everybody about the problem with our environment. It tells us about the things that we do that harms the planet like getting rid of too many trees, wasting water, using cars and wasting food and other resources that some people don’t have available to  them. The climate change and other things that people do to effect the planet, effects people who are poor people who don’t  have as much money  as everyone else, things get more expensive and as things get more expensive people then can’t afford to buy food and other necessities that they need. I made two posters  about the problem of cutting down too many trees.

Native animal information

This week we have been learning about different native animals to New Zealand. Then we had to pick a native animal of New Zealand and write an information doc about it. I picked the Archey’s Frog. The reason why I picked the frog was because  it looked really cool and I really love frogs, So I thought it would be really cool to do a frog species.

Here is my information doc below. link

Post card from a habitat

This week in reading we have been learning about different habitats where animals live. Then after that we had to make a postcard on Google drawings about the habitat as if we were visiting that habitat and sending the postcard to a friend or family member. I picked alpines because I really like trees, mountains and being in the snow so I picked the Alps in Austria. Because then I could send the postcard from Austria back to New Zealand. Here’s my postcard( below).

Insect Mihimihi

This week we have been learning about Mihimihi’s and insects.

A Mihimihi is a way that Maori people used and maybe still use to introduce themselves to other people, so we put it all together and made an insect Mihi. We started by writing down what insect we are going to do then what kingdom and class the insect is from and then put that into a table and then we made a poster and  information about the insect like where is it from and does it die after it stings or bites someone. And made a Google drawing about it. This is the start and finish of  my insect table.  I hope you like it.

Holy Spirit learning

This week we have been learning about the signs of the holy Spirit and Pentecost.  We had to do a create task and I picked to make a poster representing the signs of the holy Spirit, The signs of the Holy Spirit  are Water, fire, oil, wind, dove and cloud. Doing the Holy Spirit learning task for you to remember the things that come together to form the Holy Spirit. This week we have also been learning about Pentecost and what celebrations revolve around it and how Pentecost started. I have made a Canva slide of ‘what is Pentecost’.

Here is my poster below.


Stations of the Cross

This week we have been learning about the stations of the Cross, from Jesus condemned  to death to Jesus is layed in a tomb. We went through the fourteen stations of the cross, and have been learning about what things happened like him carrying the cross and then stripping him of his clothes and then nailing him to a Cross. The soldiers also put a crown of thorns on his head and mocked him. I made a poster going through the stations of the Cross with Amelia I did 1-7 and Amelia did 8-14.  Link to Canva/ R.E create task

Biography writing

This week we have been writing  biographies, we had to pick someone who has made an impact and use different sites to get information and then write on a Google doc about them. I picked Richie McCaw as he is THE best rugby player ever, he has helped out charities.  Something interesting that I learnt was that he helped out iSport foundation, which is a foundation that helps kids out who have talent on the field but don’t have the support that they need.


Self love

Today we have been learning about how God loves us,  I made a poster about how much Jesus loves us with a religious  quote “therefore encourage one an other and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing”, by meaning “therefore encourage”, is like to encourage people when they do something hard or something that means a lot to them, and in the quote ” and build each other up” is not pulling people down with you if your going down but to be happy for the other person and congratulating them just as you would if you were on the same level.

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